
Indus Water Treaty: India sends 'Notice of Modification' to Pakistan | Oneindia News*Explainer

2023-01-28 19 Dailymotion

In 1947..when India and Pakistan were divided, the partition of geographical boundaries was agreed upon. One thing that was left untouched back then was water resources. 13 years later..i.e in 1960..a treaty was agreed upon by both nations to apportion water of the Indus river…the tributaries of which flows through both nations. And now…this 1960 treaty is back in limelight. Just few days back, New Delhi issued official notice to Islamabad seeking modifications in this treaty. In this video, we decode what is this Indus Water Treaty….and what are the differences between India and Pakistan with regard to this. But before that, don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to Oneindia.

#Induswatertreaty #IndiaPakwaterbattle #IndiaPakistan